
The Student News Site of Ramapo High School




Senior Spotlight: Kenton Grosfelt

Senior Kenton “KG” Grosfelt is a beast on the mound. Kenton fell in love with baseball when he was only five years old, and has been playing ever since. Growing up in Wyckoff, Kenton has always led an active lifestyle. He’s played football, baseball, and rec basketball, but his recent pitching starts have caught the eyes of many media outlets. Both NJ.com and Jersey Sports Zone have reported on Kenton’s play, saying he “dazzled”(NJ.com) and is “feeling it”(Jersey Sports Zone). Aside from his stellar throws, Kenton’s pitching was a catalyst for better play; by telling NJ.com, “We’re just out here making some plays,” Kenton’s teammates were ignited out of a cold streak of losses. Kenton has pitched two complete game shutouts, has a 2.19 Earned Run Average, and has thrown 35 strikeouts (NJ.com). When NJ.com asked the head baseball coach of Ramapo, Coach Ward, about Kenton, he said, “Kenton throws with attitude. He does a great job commanding the zone and he’s really come into his own as a reliable pitcher for us,” a true testament to how Kenton has matured as a player.

Kenton pictured after pitching a complete game shutout

Kenton is not only impressive on the field, he is an integral part of his community. Kenton has been involved with the FLOW area Relay for Life for the past three years. He has also left a positive impact on those he grew up with. Junior Braden Macke describes his friend by saying, “Kenton is just a great person to have around. Never has a negative thing to say. He’s always been a kind person. It’s no wonder we’ve been friends for so long.” Kenton’s happy-go-lucky personality is an integral part of what makes him such an adored student; one of Kenton’s teachers, Mr. Cramer, shared a statement regarding Kenton: “I had Kenton Grosfelt for chemistry during his sophomore year. He is an excellent student and young man. Kenton works hard in the classroom and is equally dedicated in other aspects of his life. Since he has left my class, Kenton always has a smile on his face and something positive to say whenever I see him in the hallway. He has represented Ramapo well during his time here and he has a very bright future ahead of him.”

Kenton plans to attend The University of South Carolina in the fall. We at Ramapo want to congratulate Kenton and wish him the best of luck in all his future endeavors.

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