Coding With Style: Leo Medvinsky and His Philanthropic Software

Leo Medvinsky.
March 31, 2023
When it comes to programming, 1s and 0s are only the half of it. The burgeoning world of modern computer science is composed of layers upon layers of abstractions – algorithms, conditionals, parameters, for-loops, while-loops, lists. Computers truly speak a different language, multiple languages, and Ramapo Senior Leo Medvinsky is nothing less than a coding polyglot.
According to Medvinsky, his entrance into coding was entirely unintended, beginning as an experiment in curiosity. Encouraged by his mother and grandmother, Medvinsky’s curiosity grew into a passion from which his own company eventually emerged.
In April 2022, Medvinsky founded LX Aer Corporation with, in his own words, “the intention of making the world a better place, and, more specifically, improving educational outcomes for people all across the nation.” In true philanthropic fashion, Medvinsky’s company website declares that it also sets aside 5.1% of its revenue for Stripe Climate – a coalition of corporations dedicated to carbon removal – despite running a loss. Currently, Medvinsky has already developed four applications: LX Education, LX SecurAttend, LX SecurClass, and LX SecurLock. Not only is Medvinsky responsible for an expansive volume of software, but his work is innovatively brilliant, having made unprecedented breakthroughs in terms of secure testing and education cybersecurity. According to Ramapo senior Emilio Santiago, “When Leo first showed me LX Aer, I was fascinated by its quality. To me, the website looked just as well-crafted as its larger business competitors, which made it even more shocking when I learned that the entire software was coded by Leo.” Medvinsky has successfully navigated the difficult task of maintaining quality alongside quantity.
To say Medvinsky’s affinity for coding and computers comes effortlessly, that his work is purely a product of natural talent, would belittle the remarkable accomplishments he has made. Yes, Medvinsky has an undeniable bond with technology, a means of communicating and successfully maintaining a relationship with his programs that others will never come close to replicating. Yet, all relationships take time – hours of, as Medvinsky describes, “battling bugs and errors in the software,” teaching himself entirely new programming languages, compromising, and adapting. The realm of programming is constantly changing, constantly growing. Coding requires a great deal of patience, a quality which Medvinsky has in spades. According to Aviation and Physics teacher Ms. Wiese, “Leo has impressed me with his work ethic, technical skills, and passion for computer science and software development.” Medvinsky’s steady forward momentum despite obstacles serves as further proof of his dedication to bettering the community, to spreading the skills he loves to people who could benefit from them.
In accordance with his considerate nature, Medvinsky made a point of expressing his gratitude toward Ramapo: “I want to thank the entire school community […] for being so incredibly welcoming to me as I transferred over here from NYC for my senior year. All of my successes from September to the present day have been possible thanks to their kindness and support, and I will never forget it.”
And Ramapo will never forget you, Leo. We are grateful that you turned a simple act of curiosity into a lifelong commitment to developing software, helping others, and fixing the bugs of life.
Please visit Leo Medvinsky’s LX Aer website for more information: