Before the long-awaited February break, the Model United Nations Club attended the 26th annual Academic Conference at Bergen County Academies High School, known as AMUN. The conference spans two days, allowing hundreds of students across the tristate area to participate in different delegations that “mimic the different committees in the actual United Nations,” explains Arielle Gomberg, one of the co-presidents of the club. They discuss real-world issues ranging from ancient wars to futuristic approaches. Although it was planned for February 6th and 7th, a snowstorm postponed the meeting to February 7th and 13th instead.
Ina Nip, a member of the club, explains the schedule for the conference. The opening ceremony began with a speech from a Columbia University professor, and then a video from US Senator Cory Booker praising the students for their efforts and care for real-world issues. The delegates then divided into different rooms to discuss their topics based on their groups including SOCHUM, ECOFIN, AU, Ad-Hoc, WTO, DISEC, SPECPOL, WHO, CSW, JCC, UNSC, Crisis: The rise of Al Capone, and Specialized: The Death of a God. Dinner and snacks were provided throughout the demanding hours each day.
A significant amount of preparation and hard work contributed to the students’ successes. Gomberg explains, “I cannot be prouder of Ramapo’s Model UN club. We have worked for months to prepare everyone for the conference, and it is safe to say that everyone exceeded our expectations. Not only did our delegates engage in collaboration and phenomenal public speaking skills, but they also created lasting friendships which made the conference very enjoyable. It’s moments like these that remind me why I am honored to help run this club.”
This year, Gomberg’s committee discussed future space travel, a particularly exciting topic for many of the delegates. Under her guidance, as well as that of fellow co-president Ignacio Guerra, the Ramapo Model UN club members reached amazing success!
Mr. Verdon, the club’s advisor and a history teacher at Ramapo, compliments the students on their performance: “Our Model UN delegates really shined during their appearance at BCA’s annual conference. Their successes while discussing international law, politics, and culture, as well as their ability to think critically, public speak, and write thoughtful resolutions, were a joy to watch and exemplified the very best of what Ramapo has to offer. Finn McCarthy (10), Jasper Ho (9), and Ignacio Guerra (12) earned verbal commendations for their efforts. Arielle Gomberg (12) was awarded with an honorable delegate.”
After the delegates had finished discussing their topics, an awards ceremony was held for the students. As listed above by Mr. Verdon, four of Ramapo’s Model UN members were awarded for their diligence. We are extremely proud of Ramapo’s Model UN club, and we congratulate the students on their accomplishments at this year’s AMUN conference!