The fall season is coming to an end and the sports are wrapping up. After spending countless hours practicing for a game or match, waking up before school, or staying late at night on the field, these students have shown the true meaning of a team: dedication and working together AS ONE!
Ramapo offers numerous fall sports programs including cheerleading, cross country, football, gymnastics, soccer, tennis, and volleyball. The school has definitely kept up with its high reputation and – once again – maintained its winning streak.
The Girls Tennis team made it to the semi-finals of counties with 13 cleans and 6 losses (NJ.com). The Girls Volleyball team became Group 3 North finalists and won the state sectional championship, ending in a record of 25 wins and 5 losses (NJ.com).

The football team once again won sectionals against Morris Knolls in a score of 35-28 and ended their season as semi finalists in states (NJ.com). The Boys Soccer team ended with a win in counties with 17 wins and 4 losses, and Girls Soccer became state semi finalists and county champions with an ending result of 16 wins, 2 losses, and 1 tie (NJ.com). The gymnastics team were county champions and the runner-up for state sectionals. The cross country team got second place in the League Freedom Division, 3rd place in County Group A.
Senior Kaitlyn Arnold alongside Abby Hendrickson were a symbol of inspiration and leadership on the Girls Soccer team, helping them become the 2024 co-champion of counties against Ramey in a tied score of 1-1. Kaitlyn, who recently committed to Gettysburg College, speaks highly of the team and their results: “Although we didn’t get far into state tournaments as we wanted to, we had such a good season. I am so proud of every single player on this. Everyone gave 100% of their dedication in every practice which gave us the success we saw in each game. I love all these girls so much and really couldn’t ask for a better team to end my final year at Ramapo with!” Arnold is just one of many captains from this fall season who expresses their gratitude for the teamwork of Ramapo’s sports programs – and by the results, it is clear that the collaboration and dedication made a tremendous impact on the success of the school altogether.

The coaches of these teams are also extremely proud of. Coach Maldonado believes that the 2024 Varsity Football team will excel in states and bring home the win. He says, “I believe as a team we have the potential to make it to states but we have to win every week. The season has gone great and with a rough start the team has grown together learning each other’s strengths and weaknesses, becoming the best teammates they could be for one another so each week they could play on the field AS ONE!”
We are extremely proud of every single team this season and the accomplishments they made; it has truly been like no other. We wish you the biggest of congratulations!