
The Student News Site of Ramapo High School




Bergen County Unsung Hero Award – Ella Saxton

Normandy Studios
2024 Senior Portrait of Unsung Hero Recipient, Ella Saxton

The Bergen County Unsung Hero Award goes to a student who makes a difference in the school community by doing everything he or she can to create the best environment for everyone. The recipient is expected to be welcoming, empathetic, and compassionate towards others. Ella Saxton is a great representation of these characteristics and truly embodies the values of being a role model in the community. Ella is an outstanding student-athlete. She is extremely active in the Ramapo Student Government and is also a three-season varsity athlete. 

She states, “I am very honored to be given this award. I try to contribute as much as I can to help build the Ramapo community and make it something special. I feel I have helped create a community through my involvement in sports, student government, and other clubs and activities. There are so many amazing people that contribute greatly to the Ramapo community every day. I think I stood out amongst other candidates because I have a wide reach of involvement and I try my best to put my all into everything I do.” 

Ella is a dedicated individual and always strives to be a good example in the school community. Her commitment to self-excellence and bestowing compassion and guidance towards others secured her this prestigious award. 

Ramapo teacher Mrs. Eustice was one of the many staff members who had good things to say about Ella, and she helped nominate her for the award. Ms. Eustice says, “I think Ella fits this description. She does what she can to help make Ramapo a fun, inclusive, and better place. She is able to maintain her grades while participating in various extracurricular activities, and she does it all without seeking any recognition. She does these things because she wants to, and not because she needs to.”

Ella Saxton is the current Ramapo Student Government Vice President. She is always suggesting ideas to help raise money and give back to the community. Mrs. Eustice states, “It was her suggestion to run the March Madness homeroom contest and to add the Pickleball tournament to POchella. Ella checks in every day to see what she can do to help with Student Government events and to share ideas and suggestions from other students.” Ella will be continuing her academic career at Boston College in the fall where she will be studying business.

Ramapo is a better place because of Ella’s involvement in the community, and there is no doubt she will accomplish great things in the future. Ramapo was just the start! 

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