Helicopter Crash Near Nursery, Kills 14 Ukrainians

Sergei Supinsky/AFP via Getty Images
BBC confirms Monastyrsky passed away alongside his first deputy minister and state secretary.
February 17, 2023
A helicopter crashed near a nursery in Kyiv, Ukraine, killing 14 people, including three prominent figures in Ukraine’s interior ministry and a child on January 18, 2023.
Interior Minister Denys Monastyrsky is the highest-ranking Ukrainian government official to have passed away since the being of the Russo-Ukrainian War. According to BBC, Monastyrsky was an influential member of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s cabinet. His death is particularly alarming because the interior minister supervises police and emergency services, which includes handling rescue operations after missile strikes and clearing mines (NYTimes).
Monastyrsky was allegedly traveling to a war “hot spot” when the helicopter he traveled in crashed (NYTimes). The crash appeared to be an accident, not an attack from Russian forces. Even so, Reuters states Zelensky is calling for an investigation.
The helicopter crash resulted in a fire that burnt the entire side of a nursery with staff and children present (Reuters). Ultimately, 25 people were injured, 11 of whom were children.
The incident reminds everyone of the repercussions of war. A club member of Model UN claims, “People should spread more awareness to what is going on in war zones. This way more support can be given to those in need.”
Members of the Ramapo community, such as math teacher Mrs. Deamer, share sentiments of grief for the incident. “War of any type is horrific,” Mrs. Deamer states. “And a loss of life should never be underestimated, whether they are children or soldiers.”
As the war continues to draw on, it has become all the more imperative to support those in need and commemorate those who have lost their lives.