A picture showcasing the members of the Gay-Straight Alliance Club.
Brief History:
Every October, our country joins together to remember the powerful, inspiring history of the LGBTQ+ community. After decades of tirelessly fighting for the right to be seen as equal in society and under the law, it seems as though they are finally being heard. Despite this progress, there is still a stigma surrounding this brave group of people. That’s why it’s essential for anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+, especially the youth, to have a safe space to converse with others that accept and understand them. Luckily, here at Ramapo, there is a club you can join that is perfect for that.
What Is Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA)?:
The Gay-Straight Alliance Club meets every Wednesday after school to discuss the recent “fun, enlightening, and or concerning” news regarding the community, whether it be something from an individual or occurring around the globe. However, they also make sure to keep a “nice balance of ‘work and play’ during meetings” (Ms. Casey, club supervisor). The main idea of this club is to allow students to feel seen, especially those that otherwise feel invisible. One of the student leaders, Lia Di Lisio (they/them), explains that they “joined GSA because [they] wanted a safe space to talk about [their] identity.” They also mention how the club has “improved [their] mental health immensely” by giving them a chance to “finally let [their] guard down and be in a fully supportive space.”
The Impact:
Despite being a great space to keep yourself up to date about current issues involving the LGBTQ+ community, Ms. Casey describes the club as, “a safe space to come and share your personal stories and concerns with an unbiased, supportive, and compassionate group of students.” Throughout my observation and surveying of the club and its members, it’s clear to me that its impact has been overwhelmingly positive. It gives students of “all sexual orientations and gender identities” (Ms. Casey) somewhere to “celebrate, vent, and give each other advice,” (Lia Di Lisio). People who might otherwise feel alienated from the rest of the world can join together and support one another, and for a mere half-hour after school once each week, they all get to feel like they belong. So, if you are looking to “bring about positive changes that will make Ramapo a more welcoming, informed, open-minded, kind, and safe community,” (Ms. Casey) then Gay-Straight Alliance is the club for you.